84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

Area of Operations 3
The first 14 pictures provided by Wayne Dadswell of D Co 84th 1967 1968

Shipping at Qui Nhon harbor

The beach at Qui Nhon

The bay at Qui Nhon

Qui Nhon Valley   


Looks like Phu Tai.. QL 1

290 M on QL1  

Ah Yes..Ye old tire shop

Flairs over Qui Nhon....During Tet

Tracer fire can be seen in the valley between the mountains


Company area D Co. 67 68

Lunch anyone?

Ye old garbage dump

The next 3 pictures provided by Karl Voltz of B. Co 84th 1970

LZ English Field 1970



The next 2 pictures provided by Jerry Stone of B. Co 84th 1970



The next pictures provided by Dan Robison of B. Co 84th 1971

Co B. 71




Fire Base Baldy during typhoon

China Beach P.X. 71

FB. Baldy after Typhoon Hester

Gun Truck "Granny's Gang"


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